Home Mood Indigo In Theaters July 18th

Mood Indigo In Theaters July 18th


You don’t have to read the book by Boris Vian to enjoy ‘Mood Indigo’. Michel Gondry takes us on  magical yet tragic journey with his film adaptation.

Audrey Tautou Romain Duris
Audrey Tautou
Romain Duris


When Colin learns that his best friend Chick (Gad Elmaleh, The Valet), a fellow acolyte of the philosopher Jean-Sol Partre, has a new American girlfriend, our lonely hero attends a friend’s party in hopes of falling in love himself. He soon meets Chloé (Audrey Tautou) and, before they know it, they’re dancing to Duke Ellington and plunging headfirst into a romance that Gondry rapturously depicts as only he can. Their whirlwind courtship is tested when an unusual illness plagues Chloe; a flower begins to grow in her lungs. To save her, Colin discovers the only cure is to surround Chloe with a never-ending supply of fresh flowers.


With that synopsis audiences are in for a visual treat as film maker Michel Gondry takes on a fairy tale like whimsical adventure of the world of Chole and Colin. A world where doorbells move, food has personality and a mouse that is very much part of the family. It’s a truly visual cinematic smorgasbord of stimuli but worth it all for the wonderful performances by Roman Duris and Audrey Tautou. And this film needs actors that can light up a screen as well as hold their own in the visual carnival of sights and sounds. Colin’s struggle to save Chole is so much of what many of us go through and we see him grow from a carefree guy to one so burdened by responsibility that he runs away.


I especially enjoyed the performances of Chick (Gad Elmaleh) Colin’s best friend who is so obsessed by the works of the philosopher Jean-Sol Partre that he forgets the true meaning of living. Tall, handsome Omar Sy is also charming as Colin’s chef (Nicholas) with a winning smile he adds a definite exotic flavor to this beautiful yet tragic film. In the end ‘Mood Indigo’ is a story of love,friendship, addiction and fear.


Michel Gondry takes us on the journey of the heart and dares us to live; for the moments we have with the ones we love are indeed precious.

MOOD INDIGO was nominated for three 2014 César Awards: Étienne Charry (Best Original Music), Florence Fontaine (Best Costume) and Stéphane Rozenbaum (Best Production Design).

Opening in Los Angeles and New York, Friday, July 18


For more information on MOOD INDIGO and Drafthouse Films:


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