Home Tom Arnold Honored At The Peggy Albrecht Friendly House Benefit

Tom Arnold Honored At The Peggy Albrecht Friendly House Benefit


Tom Arnold received the Humanitarian of the Year Award from The Peggy Albrecht  Friendly House Foundation.

Tom Arnold Honored At The Friendly House Benefit

It is the mission  of  The Friendly House to continue to provide an environment in which women can recover from the devastation of drug and alcohol addiction and progress toward healthy families and communities.

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Friendly House, established in 1951, was the first home for women in recovery from alcohol and drug addiction in the United States. It was, and is, a model for recovery homes throughout the United States and Europe. Friendly House has provided services for thousands of women with a success rate of over 76%, compared to the hospital average of 35%.

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To learn more about The Peggy Albrecht Friendly House visit: www.friendlyhousela.org

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