Home Alive Inside-A Story Of Music And Memory Opens In Theaters August 1st, 2014

Alive Inside-A Story Of Music And Memory Opens In Theaters August 1st, 2014


Moving, uplifting and hopeful are just a few words to describe the wonderful documentary by Filmmaker Michael Rossato-Bennet  who followed social worker Dan Cohen, founder of the nonprofit organization Music & Memory for three years on his journey to bring music into the lives of individuals challenged with memory loss.

alive inside


Dan fights a health care system that is blind to the benefits and the healing power  of music to help individuals suffering with memory lost. A simple ipod and their favorite music can restore dignity, self esteem and bring the inner spirit back to life.  At some point in our lives we may know someone that will suffer memory loss and I hope that every one  gets to see this absolutely moving film. To see their eyes light up when the headphones go on and they hear  the music; the stories pour forth from them as they relate details about a life they thought was once forgotten is pure magic.

It’s when you hear that special song that reminds you of your  high school dance, a first kiss, a first date; that place where memory ignites and spirt lives, this is what Dan Cohen has done and what filmmaker Michael Rossato-Bennet has captured with moving images and  compelling stories.

People like Dan Cohen who can care so deeply is just a marvelous thing to watch; his dedication, passion and pure joy in helping others is truly inspirational.

Rich Girl gives ‘Alive Inside’ a five star review!

Website: http://aliveinside.us/

Michael Rossato-Bennet – Writer/Director/Producer

Michael Rossato-Bennett is the Writer, Director and Producer of Alive Inside – winner of the 2014 Sundance Film Festival Audience Award for U.S. Documentary – and through film he strives to incite conversations that interrogate issues related to cultural consciousness.  In addition to Alive Inside, his first feature length offering, Rossato-Bennett has several documentaries in various stages of development, through his production company, Projector Media.  Each of those projects is inspired by Michael’s dedication to the collective well being of society and progressive human change towards the greater, if not greatest, good.


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