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Additional Key Speakers Announced for ICMAD 2017 Tech/Reg Forum




ICMAD is Pleased to Announce Karl Palmer and

Peter Duchesneua as Distinguished Session Speakers at 2017 Technical/Regulatory Forum

January 19, 2017; Deer Park, IL – ICMAD is proud to announce the addition of two distinguished session speakers to their 2017 Technical/Regulatory Forum being held February 9th and 10th.  The two-day seminar covers the latest issues in the cosmetic and personal care products industry. The 2017 workshop will be held at the Balboa Bay Resort, in Newport Beach, California after their Young Designers Competition. 
Karl Palmer, Chief of Safer ConsumerProducts BranchDepartment of Toxic Substances Control

Professional Experience

Karl Palmer is the Chief of the Safer Consumer Products Branch of the California Department of Toxic Substances Control.  Mr. Palmer leads efforts to implement California’s Safer Consumer Products regulations which require the use of Alternatives Analysis to promote development of safer consumer products.  Mr. Palmer has worked in each of DTSC’s core programs performing a wide variety of work including site assessments of hazardous waste sites, conducting investigations at state superfund sites, cleaning up former methamphetamine labs and coordinating HAZMAT support at major chemical spills and natural disasters.  Mr. Palmer holds a B.S. in Resource

Sciences from the University of California, Davis.

Peter Duchesneau, Partner

Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP
Environmental Litigation


Professional Experience

Pete Duchesneau’s practice focuses on most aspects of environmental law involving litigation, administrative proceedings, regulatory compliance and business transactions. He handles complex environmental litigation in federal and state courts, including CERCLA, RCRA, Clean Water Act, products liability, toxic tort, and Proposition 65 actions, among others. Pete has significant experience with emerging chemicals and drinking water contamination.  In addition to litigation, Pete counsels clients on regulatory compliance involving such matters as green chemistry, Proposition 65, FIFRA/pesticides, OSHA, TSCA, RoHS, air quality, climate change, SMCRA, wastewater and hazardous waste; and has successfully represented clients before administrative agencies, including the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, the California Department of Toxic Substances Control, and the South Coast Air Quality Management District. He also advises on corporate and real estate transactions, brownfields, and environmental due diligence as well as with regard to environmental auditing.  Prior to being an attorney, Pete was an engineer with an international environmental consulting firm where he performed work for the U.S. EPA , the California Department of Toxic Substances Control, and the DOD, among other clients. He later left consulting to join the corporate environmental management office of a Fortune 100 company, where he headed efforts to work with policymakers in the development of environmental laws and regulations and managed air toxics and Superfund programs.

About ICMAD: ICMAD, the Independent Cosmetic Manufacturers and Distributors, has been the voice of independent cosmetic companies around the world since 1974. Offering innovative business tools, timely publications, educational programs, networking opportunities, and key advocacy support, ICMAD offers invaluable guidance and support for all facets of the independent cosmetic industry. Stay on top of the latest regulations and events with ICMAD and connect on Facebook (www.facebook.com/ICMADTalks), Twitter (@ICMADTalks), and online at www.icmad.org.

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