Home VIDEO: Clips from Last Night’s Episode of TBS’s Full Frontal with Samantha Bee

VIDEO: Clips from Last Night’s Episode of TBS’s Full Frontal with Samantha Bee


 Samantha Bee

On last night’s episode of TBS’s Full Frontal with Samantha Bee, Samantha covers the Alabama election with Doug Jones winning the Senate race over opponent Roy Moore, Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke’s qualifications and The Feminist Brigade’s (La Brigada Feminista) role in Mexico City following their recent earthquake.

No Moore! | December 13, 2017 Act 1 | Full Frontal on TBS* Same act released earlier on FB live
Alabamians dealt a blow to Republicans by narrowly deciding child molester was a bridge too far.

Get A Load of This A-hole: Zinke | December 13, 2017 Act 2 | Full Frontal on TBS

Sure Ryan Zinke believes in climate change, he just doesn’t care about stopping it whatsoever.

La Brigada Feminista | December 13, 2017 Act 3 | Full Frontal on TBS
When Mexico was devastated by an earthquake, La Brigada Feminista was there to help, whether men wanted them to or not. Produced by Ana Breton and Miles Kahn, and edited by Tennille Uithof.


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