Home Lifestyle Technology MATTHANIEL’S REVIEW: PORTAL 2



One Word: An awesome game

Reviewed by Matthaniel Cowell -My initial thoughts before buying the game were that I might be overhyping the awesomeness of the game, however, I pretty much learned that it was as awesome as I had hoped it was going to be.

This game is pretty much better than the first Portal in my opinion. This was a very well thought out puzzle video game. I always loved the very simple idea behind the concept of the game. This sequel keeps the simplicity that the user interface provides and expected in Portal, however, it provides a great gameplay experience that is sure to entertain. Though the story line may not be the most entertaining ever, the plot will captivate you during the actual gameplay and will stay relevant throughout the entire game. This game is available for the Mac, Windows, Xbox, and PS3.

You play the character that you will probably be familiar with if you have ever played the original Portal. GlaDOS also revisits you in the game. There are also some new characters that will become as iconic as the original cast. The controls are the same as the original Portal as well. This game features new and exciting levels. There are also some new tools, like “compulsion gel”, to help you through the levels. This new sequel also features a multiplayer mode, where you play with other people in a cooperative mode to play special multiplayer levels.

This game was a great buy and I should have bought the game way earlier. The only thing bad about this game is that occasionally on the Mac, the graphics can be buggy, however, this is very rare. The only other bad thing about this game is that I can’t get away from it long enough to be productive. I will be going back to playing this game now….

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