2023 Emmy Nominations reaction quote from Trevor Noah
“Wow! This is always so surreal. 3 Emmy noms for @thedailyshow Thank you to @TelevisionAcad for the honour once again! And of course congrats to everyone behind the scenes at @thedailyshow! Chris McCarthy, and the entire Paramount family! Thank you!” -Trevor Noah
See Tweet: https://twitter.com/trevornoah/status/1679177228247089154?s=4
Emmy nominated Casting Director & Acting Coach NEXT 4 Week “Live and In-Person” Acting Class/Sundays July 30th, AUG 6, 13 & 20($235.00 for 4 consecutive weeks)To sign up or for questions: craigcampobasso@gmail.com
For the full list of nominees in all categories visit:https://www.emmys.com/
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