Home Community Non-Profit A Heartfelt Night at Ava’s Heart Annual Gala

A Heartfelt Night at Ava’s Heart Annual Gala


It was a heartfelt and magical night at Ava’s Heart Annual Fundraiser. The annual fundraising gala event was held at the Tagylan Center in Los Angeles, where guests enjoyed world-class entertainment, networking, and delectable cuisine.

Ava Kaufman  Founder of Ava’s Heart/Photo Sheri Determan

Ava’s Heart is a non-profit organization that gives critically needed assistance to organ transplant patients who are unable to access or afford it. They focus on providing doctor-mandated pre & post-operative housing for patients who must travel away from their homes to receive transplant-related care. Additionally, they assist donor families with cremation and burial expenses and promote organ donation. Because without the donor there is no life.

To learn more visit- avasheart.org

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