Home Entertainment Exciting Red Carpet Premiere of “Bring Him to Me”!

Exciting Red Carpet Premiere of “Bring Him to Me”!

(L to R)Luke Sparke, Tom Evans, Jaime Costa
Photo Credit- Greg Doherty

In Theaters and Streaming February 23rd

BRING HIM TO ME is about a mild-mannered Driver (Barry Pepper) working for a mob boss. His conscience is tested when he is asked to collect a young and unsuspecting new crew member known as Passenger (Jamie Costa) one week after a violent robbery. Passenger doesn’t know that he is being driven into an ambush, forcing Driver to confront his loyalties to his boss and his morality.

Bring Him To Me Red Carpet Premiere Part 2

  • Starring Barry Pepper, Sam Neill, Jamie Costa, Liam McIntyre, Jennings Brower, Zac Garred, Rachel Griffiths
  • Directed by Luke Sparke and written by Tom Evans
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